The art of war thomas cleary epub
If you must do it do it well and efficiently. Know your enemy, know yourself and know your environment. In peace time prepare for war.
During the war prepare for peace. Communications are paramount etc etc. If you do all this well you wont need the nasty war bit. Just the present capacity to effectively engage in a conflict if you must. Don't tax the people 3 times etc. Still wise words even to this day. This text is still studied widely by military theorists , and so it should be, it one of the seminal works. Lessons for life just as much for war. The first annotated English language translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in L'art de la guerre is a translation of this work.
De kunst van het oorlogvoeren is a translation of this work. Umetnost vojne is a translation of this work. L'Art de la Guerra is a translation of this work. Die Kunst des Krieges is a translation of this work.
L'arte della guerra is a translation of this work. Om krigets konst is a translation of this work. Savas Sanati is a translation of this work. The Art of War is a translation of this work. In addition, the translator provides an extensive introduction discussing the content and background of the book. There's not a dated maxim or vague prescription in it.
For him, war was coeval with life. Absorb this book, and you can throw out all those contemporary books about management leadership. Home Explore. My Cart. Challenge the Boss Louve Baxter. I love this game Patrice Evra.
Elite Fighter Sarah Dheilm. Au service des rois Callie Rose.