Free online candyland computer game

EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Publication date Topics Windows 3. In addition to playing the classic board game, this game offers the player side trips to explore 8 different areas, each with activities: Gingerbread Plum Trees: Help Plumpy the last of the Plumpa trolls collect plums for pies.

Do this by clicking on him to tickle him so he'll surrender a plum. Licorice Castle: Lord Licorice has a telescope mounted atop his castle through which you can view the whole of Candy Land.

Peppermint Forest: Mr. Mint, the royal lumberjack, tutors you in how to make freeform music on a hodgepodge of instruments. Do this by selecting gumdrop colors that Jolly can place in his spoon-shaped catapult to launch toward the mountain.

To view this video download. Candy Land Adventure features six. Play musical games in Mr. Direct Download Link 1: Candy Land. Developer : Genre : Adventure. Travel down the Candy Land path and be the first to reach Candy Castle.

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Send comment. Download Candy Land We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Just one click to download at full speed! Windows Version. Baldies DOS, Win Follow Us! Top downloads. List of top downloads. Latest releases. List of new games here Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


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