Download openwrt svn

Check with:. From now on it first tries to download the tarballs from. If you don't have a local copy it'll be downloaded from the internet. I tried to build kamikaze from source in a clean OpenVZ debian system. I added the programs from post 1. I tried to build the kamikaze from source. The nightly brcm For a start, how do I get the same settings the nightly builds use? I am using KUbuntu 6.

I tried to google for the docs, but did not found anything relevant. I did the config from scratch - I probably messed up something yesterday.. The content of include was libcgi. After replacing these two files with a map with the same name include and lib the make went ok. Maciej S Maciej S 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name.

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Show pagesource Old revisions Backlinks Back to top. The OpenWrt source code See also: Adding a new device The OpenWrt project source code is stored inside a git tree which contains all branches and releases ever made. GitHub - a continually-updated mirror of GitWeb. Releases should: Happen at least once a year.

To create yourself a staging tree on git. It has caused the following: diversification of kernel versions. This website uses cookies.


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