Sims 2 island castaway ds

We have provided direct link full setup of the game. The Sims 2: Castaway is the third console spin-off of the video game The Sims 2. The game was not released for Windows, but an equivalent version called The Sims Castaway Stories was released on January 29, The game begins on a boat named Simplicity after the player creates a crew.

The crew can consist of one to six Sims. After the crew's creation, a slide-show starts of some mobile phone pictures that are taken showing the trip and also showing the storm that wrecks the ship. The Sim finds books detailing the goals the Sim must follow to survive on the islands and escape. Shortly after exploring Shipwreck Island, the Sim discovers a second island, Airplane Island, and builds a raft to reach the new location.

The player then has the option to form a tribe of Sims if the relationship level is high enough. While exploring Airplane Island, the player will find radio parts that are crucial to completing a goal later in the game. A third island, Volcano Island, can be reached once the player finds the second beach on Airplane Island and builds a canoe. On Volcano Island, the player will discover the remains of the llama people.

The player has the chance to return to civilization on this island. They can either build a boat or travel to the volcano's summit and use the radio parts to send an SOS to a nearby ship. Also, the player can repair a broken ceremonial forge on Volcano Island that will cause a fourth island, Crystal Island, to rise out of the sea. The user finds many 'books' along the way that give him or her various quests to follow to complete the game. These can be completed in any order. There's something called a crafting rock there, and at that place you'll be able to craft whatever you like.

Very handy. Tap the next arrow to take yourself to the next area. You'll see a big rock there. Tap on it, and it should bring up two options: "Examine" or "Hunt for Bugs". Yes, bugs. Tap on the "Hunt for Bugs" option and immediately you shall come across the very first mini-game in Castaway. Relatively straightforward and simple: squish as many escaping bugs as possible with your stylus, which in turn become coloured splatches once you have successfully squished them.

In fact, if you do manage to squish all the bugs, a few rather rare ones will come up, such as the fuschia, jade and blue bug. All of these are essential in later stages, so I suggest that you try your best and squish all of them.

For now, they are just food. Really icky food that takes off some 15 or 10 points off your hygiene and comfort meter, so it's not really recommended for you to feed them this foodstuff unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, it's your choice. There's also a stream in the same area where you can take a bath in and fill up your hygiene meter. The sea also serves more of less the same purpose, but you won't really fill up that much until you see the real bathing area.

But that's for later. Once you've had your fill of bug-squishing fun, go another few screens across until you reach a dead end with a rock. Tap on the rock and choose "Examine". At this point, you're stuck with just the coastline, but never fear, there's a lot more to be found around the coast. Go back to the area where your shelter is. Preferably, bring up the surivival guide and tap the compass. You'll be given an entire map, marked with the locations which you've visited. Tap the green square and instantly you'll be taken to your shelter.

We call this island teleportation. There's an arrow to the north which you might have already discovered. There you'll find sticks and So that area's cordoned off for now. There's a stone or two that you can pick up too.

Head back to your shelter and start a little fire, though fortunately, even if it goes out, you'll still be able to sleep. Throughout the entire journey, feel free to take as many naps as you like. I must warn you, sometimes sleeping doesn't necessarily fill up your energy meter all the time though. Keep eating your way all this time.

By the 2nd or 3rd day, you'll see bushes with fruit on them. Tap on them to bring up mainly three options for now: "Examine", "Forage" or "Use". For some plants, you can only examine them, as they are withered and don't produce, and hence you can't "forage" them.

That will be taken care of later. Tap on "Use", and you'll find that your Sim uses these bushes as a toilet. This will fill up your "Bladder" meter - but your "Hygiene" meter will drop drastically. Very drastically.

Head to the freshwater stream and wash immediately, or risk one very pessimistic and gloomy sim. Now, head to the second-last area to the right of the coastline. You'll see some gnarled wood and another coconut tree. Shake it should there be any fruit. The gnarled wood is very useful for an easel later on where you paint with crushed beetles. There's another arrow down there at the very edge at the south of the beach.

Tap that area and you'll find your Sim swimming in a sea. Here, you can dive, OR alternatively, click on the other arrow to head to the remains of your poor sunken ship and pick up an anchor there. You're done with the ship for now. Later on, once you obtain a small metal pole, you can use it to craft a crowbar and open the door tap around at the gray door with two circles on it. You should get "Examine" first. After you've gotten the crowbar, you can "Open" the door. There's a crate inside containing all sorts of festive goodies.

You can open it three times to complete your collection. Back to the place where you Sim was swimming. At this diving spot you can find Pink Murex, which is essential for later quests, and coral and shells. But that's all up to you. Look hard on the beach once you get back. See the three rocks? You'll need around five per rock to make an SOS signal. Unfortunately, instead of doing the logical thing and dropping down to rescue your stranded sim on the island, the people who pass by drop all sorts of stuff at the area, including a nice slab of meat.

That's handy, and remember to check back to the area everyday. Now, remember where you were washed up? Head to the to the right of the beach and find a water bottle there. Pick it up, and feel free to fill it up at the freshwater stream. Rest up, eat up, and get ready for your next adventure. You should see red fruit on it. Forage for some funny looking red fruit called Sparkleberry.

Your sim will also notice that a rock's fallen down, and now you can officially explore a new area. Climb up the rock face and come to Pick up the twigs on the left of the screen and forage for some more food, aka tomatoes.

Proceed to the other area with the arrow. In the next screen, you'll see a woman lying on her very well made shelter I'm seeing green here with a pestle next to her. Tap her and select "Greet". You'll see what exactly went wrong with her - she's a doctor and she's too ill to go out and grab the medicine.

So the task falls to you, au naturelle. She'll ask for a catfish, and give you your harpoon. Head back down the cliff face and tap the sea. This time, you'll see a third item come up: namely spear fishing. Tap that option and you'll see play your first bout of spearing. This game is straightforward, but tricky when it comes to spearing the fish. My advice to you is that you better aim for the head of the fish, and watch their swimming pattern.

The catfish is very recognizable. It's got white funny looking tusks protruding out of it's mouth and looks like a green carp. Get a few of them, and you shouldn't really go wrong with it. Go back to the doctor the survival guide map is faster and give her the catfish with the option "deliver items". She'll mash up the carp. Tap "Offer help" yet again and this time, she'll ask for some berries. Now remember the berries you picked off from below the cliff face?

Those are the berries she wants. If you don't have them, backtrack down and forage for them. Give her what she wants and she'll crush the berries all over again. Offer help again and she'll want Yes, the bottle that you refilled at the freshwater stream? That's the one. So give her the bottle, and she'll mix it up with her catfish-sparkleberry paste From this point onwards, you'll be able to trade with her, and as time goes by, more and more items will be added to her trading list.

Feelgood also has the hammer handle that you need to make a hammer. You'll also receive a piece of metal. Now that is essential for the hatchet you'll be crafting soon.

After performing the good deed, go back to where you were washed up and open the crate. At some point, you will receive a stick with a loop. That should be the handle for your hatchet.

Craft your hatchet at the crafting rock, rest and eat, and you're ready for the next area Once you've gotten that then you can craft your hatchet. Hopefully you haven't used the twigs from last time's adventure, because you'll be needing it for this time. Remember the thick vines that hung like a tapestry?

Well, it's time to chop it down. Go all the way to the end of the path and tap on the tapestry. You should see another new option called "Remove". Tap on the option and your sim should automatically start hacking away at the growth. This will open up a new area. Tap on the arrow. Well, what do we have here? Another castaway. This one's called Ms. Be a good and kind citizen - cough - I mean fellow castaway and offer your help to her. She wants to revive the banana plant close to her shelter, and needs your help.

At this, you'll receive another template - this time for a water carrier that acts like a watering can. If you like, you can hang around a bit and you'll see Weeder whipping out a watering can and watering her plots of plants. Oh, the irony. Anyway, you should see the poor neglected plant. It's to the left of her shelter.

Tap on it, and examine it to confirm it's the banana plant. Now, see the arrow next to the banana plant? Tap that to go to the next area and What do you have? Ah, paradise! Just to let you know, this pool restores THE highest hygiene I've ever seen so far, so you might want to keep your map out and tap there for the quickest way to get to keep your hygiene up Check out the stone at the northern part of the screen, and you'll acquire the ability to make a grappling hook.

Remember the anchor you got? Once you get the rope template refer to the FAQ section , you'll be able to craft a grappling hook, and yet again another area comes up. That area, once you climb up, doesn't really have much to it. Just a coconut tree and a tuning fork. There's also a funny little stick there, and the description reads something involving a rescue team. Hmm, is that a hint? Head back to the crafting rock via map.

Tap on it, and you'll see a funny looking halved coconut on a stick. That, my friend, is your water carrier. Sea water doesn't work. Now go back to the banana plant and water it, doing so every day, until it finally yields and gives fruit. Shake the banana off the tree and hand it over to Ms. That's one quest done. Head over to Chef Butcher's area elaborated in the next section and finish his chilli and Peach Quest. Once you're done, go back to Ms. Weeder and offer help to her again.

This time, she'll complain about her plants dying and needing a cure. Oh, goodie, time to be Superman again. Trek back to Dr. Feelgood hopefully, you've kept up a good relationship and tap on her. Tap the option "Ask for help" and you'll explain to her what Ms.

Weeder needs. Feelgood will then agree to help you out, but she needs some bugs. Crushed bugs. You should have most of them, but there's a slightly tricky coloured bug you need to get. That's the blue bug. Smash them up to, and take it back Dr. Now she'll ask for three different fish: salmon, black carp and cowcod. The first two originate from the lake; the cowcod comes from the ocean. Once you've got them, head back to the doctor and give it all to her.

She'll give you a green cure in return. Trek back to Ms. Weeder and give her the cure. You'll receive the shovel handle and the shovel head. Go to the crafting block and craft a shovel. One thing I need to clarify here - the green cure for Ms. It's called Plant Nutrients, if my memory serves me correctly. It's different from the one that Dr.

Feelgood has on offer the one in a green, round-bottomed flask , so bear that in mind, peoples! You need to complete another quest to get what she wants for another person. Instead, head to the far right of the screen and explore.

There, you'll see another coconut tree and two bushes - one large and tall, and the other short and small. Forage them both to find yams and vines. Vines are essential to make rope AND to craft your new shelter, so I suggest checking back on this area frequently to grab some new materials. Continue right to find a cave. Sparkly, isn't it? You'll see a skeleton wearing a pirate's hat. Don't worry, it won't suddenly spring back to life and scare the crap out of you. Take it's pirate hat and if you want, feel free to converse with the guy.

You'll gain social points for that, quite bizzarely. Pick up the mushrooms and continue right. Past the cave with the skeleton, you'll find coconuts once again, and two withered plants, a pineapple plant and a rice plant respectively.

Feel free to water them. You'll get tasty pineapple and be able to harvest rice once watered. Trek next and get ready to continue to the next area On the bright side, you get the bridge and the rope template, which is also needed to make a grappling hook. You're done with this area for now. If you like and want to get on the game really quickly, you can grab two pieces of driftwood and make some rope with three vines.

Head back to the broken bridge and tap "repair bridge". It'll bring up another menu. Once you've done that you can now go across the bridge, and that'll lead you to the second island on the right of the screen.

However, that area will be covered later on in the other section when suddenly, this island becomes essential for a quest. Weeder b Completed her banana quest c Obtained the water carrier d Found the pool which restores the highest hygiene e Found the cliff and obtained the grappling hook template f Found the broken bridge in the area right of the sparkly cave g Gotten the rope and the bridge template; the rope template is a question mark template, while the bridge can be reconstructed when you go back to the broken bridge; there should be an option "Repair Bridge".

Go to Dr. Feelgood and tap on the vine overgrowth and remove it with your hatchet. A new area should open up. Tap the arrow and head to the new area. By now, you should have enough material to craft youself a far superior shelter. Once you have the time, go back to your shelter and tap it, and select "Craft Shelter". It requires two dried overgrowths, vines and two driftwood. Once you have all you need, you'll have the log shelter. Now this one fully restores your energy and comfort meter, and that's a good thing.

First thing you'll see is another rocky outcrop. There's a withered avacado plant and a bird's nest. Water the avacado if you like and then collect an egg from the bird's nest. Feel sorry for the mother bird, but for some odd reason, the egg keeps respawning, around one egg per day. Continue to the northern arrow and see a guy hopping up and down in front of a very pretty cherry blossom. Once you the player have stopped laughing, go to the guy and offer help.

He'll want the peaches but he can't reach them. Now what has past experience taught us? We don't get fruit by hopping up and down like rabbits sorry to all rabbit fans here , we SHAKE them. So do a demo to the chef and shake the peach tree. Give him a peach and he'll be ever so happy. Offer help again and this time he'll complain about the food being too bland.

He wants some chilli peppers. So trek back to Ms Weeder using your survival guide, and you'll see a mysterious plant right next to her. That's the chilli plant. At this juncture, the "Offer Help" option should be available once again. Now, I wonder how the plant got there? The red chilli plant grows up on its, own. After it's fully grown, forage it when you see red chillies on them. Feel free to water the raspberry plant too for some raspberries.

Take the chillies back to Chef Butcher and he'll rejoice and eat them. Yes, a fire pit. This one needs stones, a shovel and small sticks. The stones can be obtained by a digging or b picking up from the shore line. Now comes the tricky part. Head back to the chef once you have all the items and tap on his fireplace. You'll get "craft fire" and then you'll upgrade his fireplace.

Once you've done that, light a fire and automatically he ends up next to you. Offer help again and he starts to whinge about wanting to cook something on his new grill, the recipe including lime and sardines. You'll also obtain a chisel. Head to the next screen and you'll see a fallen trunk. This is the basis of a canoe. Remember the hammer handle from Dr. The game begins on a boat after the player creates a Sim. After falling in a crate, and having that crate fall in the ocean, the player's Sim swims to a nearby string of islands.

They then build a shelter, create a fire, and explore the three islands. They meet four other Castaways: Dr. Feelgood , a doctor who fell from a hot air balloon, Chef Butcher , a chef who fell off a cruise ship, Ms. Weeder , a farmer who was taken to the island by a tornado, and Suzy McDress , a college student. After performing several quests for these Sims, the player finds all the pieces of a map of the islands.

Following the trail on the map, the Sim dives into the sea and finds an abandoned Pirate ship. The player, and the four other castaways, get in the pirate ship and set sail in order to return home. The Sims 2 Castaway features many new items to The Sims series, including food, clothing, objects, and tools. The Sims 2 Castaway also features many minigames.

These minigames usually offer items as a reward, such as Bugs from the Bug collection minigame, and Fish from the Spear fishing minigame. A new feature in The Sims 2 Castaway is Recipes.

They require one or two items to create an all-new item.


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