Mortgage pdf marketing
Sure, you can purchase a list of leads and give those a call, but we all know how most of those calls end. With the correct digital marketing strategy, you can pinpoint your target audience and move it into a strategic online sales funnel. The right mortgage marketing campaign will turn a potential borrower from a cold lead into a processed loan.
Every digital marketing campaign must target a primary audience. Having too broad of an audience will negatively impact your campaign. You must choose to either target new homebuyers or refinance customers.
If you want to go after both types of customers, you will have create two separate campaigns. Wondering about the difference between the two? Here is an overview:. You can use the characteristics of each audience to craft a tailored marketing message that speaks directly to their needs or concerns. Creating and distributing valuable content targeting your primary audience is a great way to increase leads and referrals.
Content marketing is an important component of any digital marketing strategy. It serves several purposes for your business:.
The content that you are writing must be original, meaning that you are not purchasing pre-written content that hundreds or thousands of other websites may have. When you consistently add unique and helpful home-buying and mortgage-related content to your website, people will start to use it as a learning resource.
Further, posting content relevant to your industry will help with your search engine rankings. You will also want to publish any blog post or original content that you create to LinkedIn Pulse. Every time you publish a post, LinkedIn sends out a notification to all of your connections notifying them of your new published article.
It has prime real estate on your page. The article is also distributed into the Pulse feed, where people who are interested in real estate or mortgages can view your content. In Spring , Facebook reported that it has 1. People who are thinking about refinancing their home, and people who are about to move are on Facebook. As you can see below, using the Facebook Ads platform, you can target , different people living within 50 miles of Irvine who are likely to move.
There is a good chance that most of these people will need a new mortgage. The unique and helpful content you are going to be creating is perfect for Facebook advertising. What a perfect way to introduce you and your brand to a cold audience. Since you are providing them with extremely useful information how to save money , they are sure to remember you.
Using Google AdWords can help your company reach its full market. Depending upon the keyword and the level of competition, prices per click can range from a few cents to a couple of dollars.
With a bit of math, you can calculate how much you are willing to spend to acquire a lead and then set a budget accordingly. The right Google AdWords strategy can have an immediate impact on traffic to your website and calls coming into your business. Make sure you use keywords that are specific to your ad groups as well as negative keywords when setting up your account. This can easily save your company thousands of dollars. Retargeting keeps track of people who have visited your website and displays your ads to them as they browse online.
Setting up a remarketing tracking code on your website will allow you to target past visitors who did not convert or take the desired action on your site. In online marketing, we consider this group of people warm traffic. After people have been to your website and are familiar with your brand, you can market more aggressively to them.
With retargeting, you can then serve an ad directly to people who read that article, asking them to fill out a lead form or providing them more information about your lending services. Since these people are already familiar with you and your brand, they are more likely to engage and convert with your advertisement.
You can learn how install a Facebook Retargeting pixel on your website by reading this Facebook article. Google AdWords also allows you to retarget past website visitors. You can always go and find an article in the industry that interests you on those things. By working on your social media and your digital marketing activities on a regular basis you will see results and see progress. If you'd like to download this content in ebook format, click here.
Or, if you'd like to find out how High Level Thinkers can help you master these mortgage marketing strategies contact us today! Download Now. We hate spam and value your privacy. If you are a mortgage loan originator, I can probably guess what you are thinking The bad news — they take some effort on your part. The good news is they work. The Noise Canceling Formula? Why is digital marketing so hard for mortgage loan originators?
Not enough time, you're worried about compliance, or it's simply not your thing or all 3? Nor is it really the best use of their time. But once you begin to develop a decent book of business, time becomes scarce. Things you have to do as a successful mortgage originator:. Digital marketing is often low on the list. Budget Time Daily.
Step 1 Create a New Mindset. I know that. Think farming. Remember the Mortgage Buying Cycle The other thing to keep in mind is that people often go years without needing to get a mortgage loan. Trigger Events Look for events that bring changes in people's lives. Give Compliments Edify those who are working hard to build their audience.
Another obvious one would be kids getting out of the house. Somebody may be ready to downsize or move or buy a vacation house. Business Partner Development Perhaps the best use of digital marketing for mortgage lenders is developing new business partners.
Obviously, I think most loan officers would choose the new realtor relationship. Let's take a specific example. Give Compliments -Show Them a Little Love : Another opportunity that goes untouched with business development is a simple tactic I refer to as edification. What do I mean? The second step in our success blueprint is to get laser focused about who you want to reach.
If you try to reach everyone who does or may one day own a house, good luck with that. Step 3 Master 6 Digital Marketing Tools. Remember, noise canceling Digital Marketing Tool 2 - Blog The second tool on the list is a personal blog. A blog is one of those tools that is greatly underused. Email marketing is somewhat like blogging in that a lot of people do a really bad job with it. Digital Marketing Tool 4 - Facebook The next tool on the list is the pound Gorilla of social media.
Facebook Tips A few tips on Facebook to help you get started Digital Marketing Tool 5 - LinkedIn Linkedin is definitely one of our favorite tools for mortgage lenders.
Another great LinkedIn strategy is to look for opportunities to work with groups. It combines lead generation and business development. Reach out and interact with these realtors - they are dying to have someone notice their content. Step 4 Create the right mix of content. The fourth step on our blueprint is finding the right mix of content. Step 5 Be consistent.
The last piece of advice we can give you about digital marketing is to be consistent. Digital marketing is really the same way. Use a tool to organize your social profiles. We recommend HootSuite for starters. Block out 20 minutes a day to work on digital marketing. Now You Try It! Drown out all the other things going on. Change your mindset. Focus on a few specific targets.